Thursday, July 30, 2009

Disappointing day...

Today was disappointing day first we were going to go swimming and it rained so we were bummed out. Then my mom was going to go walking and her partner called and didn't want to walk. Bummed Out Again. Then my Grand-ma called and said no tae-kown-do. And Again Bummed Out. Then we were going to watch a baby for a couple of days and they called and said never mind. Bummer BUT... we made the best cherry jam ever. :p Bye

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Special night...

Tonight is special because me and my sisters were watching a movie together. And my littlest sister just walked in saying she wanted to cut coupons. Well that's about it. bye

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Did you know....

Did you know that a Gaboon viper has fangs that are two inches,that a Rattlesnake's are deaf and can not hear their own rattle and that a Poison dart frog make enough poison to kill a large animal.

Monday, July 6, 2009

4 Of July

I had so much fun on the 4th this year. We shot bottle rockets ,threw fire cracker's and almost caught a tree on fire. Almost time to go to tae-kown-do. see u at next post. Bye